The first few days of each new year always feel so clean and fresh like sheets of unprinted paper. The days seem crisp – unused. The reality is, of course, that each day really is new. Though, as the year trails on, days seem somehow tainted by pressures, responsibilities and failures. How amazing that our God makes all things new.
As our family turns the corner into 2011, the year is ripe with possibilities. I don’t recall ever being this excited to see what God has in store.
When I considered the possibility of giving a theme to this year, a name – as we do when most things come to life – God’s precious word, that is alive, sprang in my soul giving a new breath of life to one who desperately needs daily reviving.
“Behold, I will do a new thing;…” Isaiah 43:19
The patiently loving Father regards His child – the refashioning work of the potter’s wheel takes time, the refining process is slow and sometimes painful. In hindsight, the breaking and reshaping – He knows what we need, and when. The vessel, still flawed, but somehow more able – ready for a new thing…
A new use, new work, new day, new season …Behold, I make all things new. Revelation 21:5
Welcome, the Year of NEW!