I really don't like labels and find that we Langfords as a family don't fit perfectly into any labeled box. However, for the sake of sharing a little of who we are, I will use a few labels.
First, we are Christians. For us this means that we are completely sold out, in love with Jesus. We believe that the Bible is the absolute infallible word of God. We believe that it means what it says. We believe that the only way to salvation is through Jesus Christ. We believe that worship is not only what we do on Sundays but a way life. Everything we do can be an expression of worship and an example of his love to others. We do have daily family worship in our home with our children. We attend a Baptist church though, our beliefs might not fit neatly into the Baptist box.
We are homeschoolers. We do this for several reasons. We believe that it is the responsibility of the parents to teach and train the children. We believe "the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom" and to that end we believe that discipleship should be the foundation of education. We believe that no one cares as much for the education of our children as we do so, we are the best choice to educate them. We believe that we can better teach to the strengths of our children than a teacher with a classroom of 20 or more students. We believe that the world is a classroom. Plus, we just love being with our children.
We are one of "those" families. This is a bit of a joke in our house. We believe that children are a blessing from God and not a burden. We have four children and pray that God will bless us with more. We believe in modest, gender appropriate dress.
We are a clean, green, organic family. We do not eat processed foods. We make most of what we eat from scratch. We grow some of our own food, buy only organic and shop as much as possible from local farmers. We make all of our own cleaners, detergents and use mostly home remedies for illnesses.
We want a simple life as free as possible of the chaos of the world. We have chickens, goats, a horse on the way and hope to have a fully functioning farm soon.
I am an aspiring herbalist and hope to, along with my husband who is a massage therapist, have a holistic parenting practice to help children with autism, ADHD, Asperger’s and RAD.
This is the love of my life. We have been married for 15 years. I still get butterflies in my stomach waiting for him to come home from work. He makes me laugh and smile.
This is our 10 year old. He is an amazing artist, he loves music and plays the piano and guitar.
This is our 8 year old drama queen. She is all girl! She loves to help her momma in the kitchen and around the house. She is an animal lover and plans to have a veterinarian office out of her home when she is older.
Our 6 year old is a special miracle of God. She was born with significant cardiac defects and has had 12 surgeries to date but is completely whole and healthy. She loves to be outside and is completely fearless.
Our 3 year old is a ball of energy. He LOVES his daddy! We enjoy watching his personality develop daily.
We love our greyhound "Sandy" and our cat "Phatty J".
This is me. I am a recovering chocoholic and I love to read and make lists, lots of lists. Just ask my husband :)
This really doesn't even begin to scratch the surface of who we are but I think it will answer most of the questions that new blog readers like to ask. Feel free to stick around and get a clearer picture of who we are each day.