Of course, I turned my nose up at the thought of reading exactly what everyone else was reading at the moment, but found the book so easily accessible and inexpensive at the bookstore that I added it to my basket.
My stack of books was placed on my reading table in my bedroom beside my big fluffy chair and somehow, that particular book kept getting shuffled to the bottom of the stack.
For the last couple of weeks my husband and I have been in the process of making a decision that could have a huge impact on our lives and the lives of our children. In fact, we have been so consumed with this decision that many other things, like blogging, have taken a back seat to the processing and prayer of making this decision.
Finally, a couple of nights ago, I found myself looking for some “mind numbing” reading so, I pulled Not a Fan from the bottom of the stack. Surely it wouldn’t be so thought provoking that I would actually need to engage to read it.
Needless to say, I was wrong and I was consumed. God had totally used my own pride to position that book at the exact place I needed it…in the middle of this moment!
Two things the author said grabbed hold of me and have not let me go:
“Following Jesus always costs you something.”
“I have noticed that there is always a moment like this for believers. They are put in a position where they must decide between being a fan or a follower”
These statements rang true so true with me. I remembered a YouTube video I saw a while back called the Fellowship of the Unashamed. It says in part:
I have stepped over the line. I am a disciple of His.
I won’t look back, let up, slow down, back away or be still.
I am finished with low living, sight walking, smooth knees, colorless dreams, tamed vision, mundane talking and dwarfed goals.
I cannot be bought, compromised, detoured, lured away, turned back or delayed.
I will not flinch in the face of sacrifice, hesitate in the presence of the adversary or negotiate at the table of the enemy.
I am a disciple of Jesus. I must go until he comes, give till I drop, preach till all know and work till he stops me. And when He comes for his own, he will have no problems recognizing me. My banner will be clear!
I want to be an Unashamed Follower.
In the midst of all of this, a family of followers that we love dearly, the O’Learys, brought their 6th and 7th children home from Ghana, Africa. Someone made this video for them.
The song playing is called “I Saw What I Saw.”
I saw what I saw and I can't forget it
I heard what I heard and I can't go back
I know what I know and I can't deny it
something on the road, cut me to the soul
your pain has changed me
your dream inspires
your face a memory
your hope a fire
your courage asks me what I'm afraid of
and what I know of love
I say what I say with no hesitation
I have what I have but I'm giving it up
I do what I do with deep conviction
your courage asks me what I am made of
your courage asks me what I’m afraid of
and what I know of love
and what I know of god
I suppose that I have said all of this to say; when we look at our world and see suffering, hunger, orphaned children, and broken hearts and ask God what He would have us do, His answer is never “nothing.”
With knowledge comes responsibility.
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