Several months ago I called a fellow homeschooler in the middle of the day. I was surprised when I got her voicemail and the message politely informed me that if I was calling between the hours of 10am and 2pm I would need to leave a message because the family was busy homeschooling. I admit, I was taken aback.
There have been many days that I have complained that I could not get anything done because the phone is constantly ringing, but it never occurred to me to simply turn the phone off. Why do we think that just because we pay to have a telephone that we must keep it on at all times? I think I feel empowered in some way. I can turn off the phone!
Not only will this help us in minimizing distractions to our school day but it will also allow my husband, who works 3rd shift, to rest better. I think this will be a grand plan all the way around.
In fact, there may be plenty of other times that families may benefit from eliminating the distraction of the phone ringing such as dinner time, family worship or devotions, nap time for littles and special times of fellowship with company.
What about emergencies, you might say? Keep your cell phone on you. Most folks today not only have a home phone but a cell phone as well. Anyone would would need you in case of an emergency is likely to have your cell phone. You can include in your home phone message that you can be reached via text on you cell phone during school hours.
Here is my plan: Today is our first official day of school for the new year. In preparation I have changed our home phone message to say that anyone calling between the hours of 8am and 2pm will need to leave a message that we will return after schooling hours. The message will also say that anyone needing us in case of an emergency should text my cell phone.
Let's see how this goes!
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